How do the Design Guidelines relate to me?
Many transportation planners are actively advocating for multi-modal mobility with regards to the design of transportation infrastructure, facilities and technologies. The Design Guidelines capture this approach and present solutions that balance vehicular mobility, access to transit, and bike and pedestrian circulation. The principles represented in the Guidelines should be used to create transportation systems that foster safe and efficient movement for all users.
What is my role in implementing the Design Guidelines?
Transportation professionals help shape development policy at the local, regional and national levels. By advancing the principles articulated in the Design Guidelines, this group can influence the way that local regulations and local, regional, state and federal grants can be used to shape multi-modal mobility. Locally, transportation professionals can help communities understand and implement design solutions in order to make a more transit-supportive region.
What parts of the Design Guidelines should I focus on?
Transportation professionals should understand all sections of the Design Guidelines. The introductory sections set forth important arguments regarding the need for transit-supportive communities, while chapters 4-6 establish principles that can be applied to infrastructure in the public realm as well as development on private lots. A constant theme through these chapters is the balance between the private automobile, transit vehicles, facilities and riders, bicyclists and pedestrians.