How do the Design Guidelines relate to me?
Architects and engineers are the group most responsible for developing design solutions that balance market demands, developer objectives, community goals and desires, and site constraints and opportunities. The Design Guidelines establish basic parameters for the inclusion of infrastructure, facilities and technologies that foster transit use. They also include principles for site and building design as a part of private development that enhances mobility and access between transit services and local uses.
What is my role in implementing the Design Guidelines?
Architects and engineers play a critical role in implementing the Design Guidelines. They bridge the gap between the goals of the developer and municipal development regulations. As such, architects and engineers should strive to find common ground between these entities, and integrate transit-supportive design elements that advance transit mobility.
What parts of the Design Guidelines I should focus on?
All sections of the Design Guidelines may impact the role of an architect or engineer in project design. However, different types of design professional will tend to focus on specific sections. Chapters 4 and 5 highlight appropriate infrastructure and roadway design, while chapter 6 focuses on the design of private sites and structures. Chapter 7 includes technical drawings that may serve as specification for transit-supportive design elements.